"My people are destroyed....

Man fears what he has no knowledge of. Once he understands it, the fear is gone. the mystery is taken away once knowledge arrives. It's the same thing with the matters of faith when we don't understand how to apply your faith in a given situation, we become skeptical, judgmental, afraid, and unbelieving. But once we understand how it works, the confusion is removed, the mystery is taken away. Amen,

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Wake the )&%$ Up Black America

Netflix....questioned the content of black movies up there. The movies either downplay artist or exploit women of color as angry, single, or loose. The men are either drug dealers, deadbeat fathers, or rapist. As Kaepernick took a knee for the lies behind this yet to the United States with a flag that only reminds us of the colonization of our people and the blood that was shed to advance their agenda. STAY WOKE! Wake up Black America, everything was not always owned or ran by people who do not represent the black communities interest. We were killed for it during Jim Crow south!

Think about it! Another form a Jim Crow is going on and is cripple the way of life for all Americans. The Willie Lynch letters that were written were, in fact, a result of the rhetoric that we see in today's current administration. He stated in his letters that if we can separate the head of the home to leave the women in charge. Then their children will not have any directions and be disobedient in the home. As I write this blog from my point of view as a Black American, it saddens my heart to see that the violence in America, is at an all-time high and racial injustice is being felt all over.

We need each other. Television is not portraying a positive image or reflection of how Black homes were ran during the 70's when I grew up and this younger generation is being brainwashed by movies, that do not support positive reflections of who we are as people of color or foreign descent. I stopped supporting and watching the NFL years ago because that's just like having people of color picking cotton. They knew the effects of playing this game but chose to continue exposing players to the dangers of permanent injuries with their families left to suffer the results. They will be retired by then from making billions of these athletes.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Thank you so much for rejecting me....thank you for ignoring my text and calls....thank you for not showing me the compassion and love that I've shown you... The tears that I've cried....over you and for you...you will never understand...

As a single parent....there is no re-do or cushion...after you have given all you've had to provide a stable future for your children.... the hurt that you fill from your children who don't call to check in on you or call to just say hello...or I love you...

I remember as a young woman I was so angry at my mom because I thought she didn't love me and as much as I needed the companionship that I've given my daughters... I just wanted to have that female bond...but as I grew older...I realized that she was only given what she was given...and didn't blame her..from the past hurts that consumed her in fear...and crippled...what dreams she had to soar...a marriage...where....I promise to love you until the end of our life...turned out to be a lie...

I remember standing with my siblings peaking through the crack of the door as my father tried to console her...after he cheated for what seemed to be the last time...my mother could take...she was broken...hurt...and all I remember was wanting to cry with her... and hold...her...

I know how my mother felt and feels when she doesn't get calls from her grandchildren...

What happened to us? why is it so hard for this generation to see that working together is better than working apart.... this is one post that I cannot finish at this time...because I'm so hurt...I feel abandoned...alone...a castaway... REJECTED....

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What happened to the Family

This is truly heavy on my heart this morning. American families have become so selfish when it comes to family. I look at some of the places God has taken me around the world and see how children are there for their grandparents, Mother's and fathers.

The Phillipino family that I worked with in Hawaii as a special needs skills trainer as humble as they were. They always came together to take care of what needed to be done. Yet taking the time to bless me with tokens of gratitude for impacting their son's life. It' breaks my heart as a parent to see my family as well as others I've grown up with a part, and not cherishing the moments that we can never get back. I'm truly blessed with my sisters Susan & Rosemary, we were inseparable and no pride, ego or relationship kept us apart or from being there for each other.

Susan my oldest sister would watch the kids for us when we got promoted to nighttime work at Sears with no type of oh let me check with my boyfriend or it's going to cost you. My heart truly aches for the lost soles of these American families that are so selfish that they can't see past the schemes from the devil to divide families. It's a choice to truly walk with God and seek his face for healing for generations to come. Not the fake lipservice some Christians do and when they are behind closed doors their tongues are filled with condemnation for their brother or sister. That's not Love,

This Philipino family that I worked with, as well as others, taught me so much during the time I was blessed to be in their son's life who was autistic. We all grow and change some for the better and some still with wounds, bitterness, and hurt from the past. But we have to remember that no one is perfect but Christ and who the spirit set free is free indeed. To the families out here that I've met during this thing, we call life. I'm honored to have learned from you what a Healthy and supportive family looks like.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Women It’s Time We Stop Hurting In Silence

Singles, have you ever be around family or people you grew up with and no matter how long time has gone by. They haven’t changed? Either trying to make you feel guilty or ashamed for something that’s happened in the past? Or keep bringing things up that try to keep you locked into the old choices you made, but don’t turn the mirror on their own situations? 

The truth is No More Lies: 

God is doing a new thing in the lives of those that want to shame you or make you feel undeserving. God is pulling down strongholds in the lives of his Sons and Daughters. He is releasing dry bones in families that are stagnant and stuck in their ways.  He is breaking generational curses for men who have raped or sexual assaulted their family members and exposing the lies and bringing peace in these toxic dysfunctional relationships. 

 It’s Time As Women that we stop covering the lies of men who have hurt us so that we can break this generational curse that has made us choose wrongly in our relationship with men, and suffer in silence why rape victims or sexual assault victims are looked at as we some how deserved it. I’m speaking to women who have been hurt in their youth and now grown still dealing with the scars or your past. 

There is healing in God, and my prayer is that he will place healthy Godly men and women in your lives to pray you through the hurt and pain, to cultivate a healthy environment for you to speak freely and love you past your wounds. 

Singles we are going all in this month as God continues to use me to reach the putter most parts of this earth. 

Live Your Life Loved, (PB31) Stay Blessed And Love yourself 1st to the fullest 

Always, YSIC Carol Burns, 

Single & Saved 

Friday, June 22, 2018

Dealing with Fear!

Ears That Hear Him

Have you ever received news that broke your heart and took your breath away? In a moment like that, when God’s promises don’t seem to line up with your circumstances, it’s easy to wonder where He is in the midst of your pain.

Those are the times we most need to get alone with God so we can try to get His perspective on things. We need to have ears to hear our heavenly Father when overwhelming problems surround us.
It was on February 7, 1938, that German pastor Martin Niemöller needed to hear from God in just this way. That morning Martin was led from his prison cell to the courtroom for his trial. His crime was daring to speak against Adolf Hitler.

Martin had been so courageous in the weeks and months leading up to that day, but as he began the long walk toward judgment, he found himself overcome with fear for himself and the people he loved. Martin needed to hear from God.

The guard who led him along the passageway seemed cold as stone, but after a moment Martin began to hear a soft whispering. At first, Martin wasn’t sure what he was hearing, but as he listened more carefully, he realized it was the guard’s voice. God’s message to Martin was being delivered through the unlikeliest of messengers: a soldier of the Third Reich. He was whispering words from Proverbs that brought great comfort and courage to Martin’s soul: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe” (Proverbs 18:10).*

Are you, like Martin, overwhelmed by your circumstances today? Do you find yourself turning your situation over and over in your mind, desperate for a solution, then feeling knocked down by a fresh wave of fear?

Go to your heavenly Father. He knows what you are up against. Spend some time with Him so that He can fine-tune your hearing and remind you of who He is and what you mean to Him.
Today, Lord, enable me to hear Your voice above every other.

* Robert J. Morgan, Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations & Quotes (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2000), 152.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A Family That Prays Together Stays Together


     I'm excited to share what God has put on my heart with the recent events that are happening in our society today. The current administration is reverting back to a form of slavery that was visible during the Willie Lynch letters, and the Virginia Compromise. The administration is trying to justify their actions by saying they are separating those that are criminals, but In fact they are using the same tactics that were used during Jim Crow.  Immigrants as the current administration calls it, are the most dedicated workers in our society since slavery was abolished. The majority of people that migrate here come for the same way of life that we so happily live.

Your Host:

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Personal Note To My Viewers:

Good Morning, and Good Evening to some:

    I would like to thank all of my viewers and audience for viewing and supporting my blog. To that end, without you, there would be no me, Germany, Peru, U.S. France, Russia, Portugal, United Kingdom, Poland, China, Philippines, Europe and the Ukraine. I pray that the thoughts and personal experiences that I've shared have touched or inspired you in some way. Also, my prayers out to the Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain's families for their losses. Although separate incidents. This is why I write to encourage others. That with Christ and knowing the Lord for yourself is the best way to not allow circumstances consume you. I love you all if no one has told you that truly and this post is specifically is for my viewers. I will be introducing my Youtube cooking channel soon so stay tune.

   That being said, cooking to me is like my therapy, and allows me to create things for the people I love to enjoy.

   Please feel free to leave comments on the blog and give me feedback or how anything I've shared. Helped to improve your life, or helped you re-examine ways that you can tweak some areas of your life to be the best version of yourself. Until Next time....

Live Your Life Loved....And Blessings always...


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

There's No One In The Room That Looks Like Me....

As I sit here being present in this moment and my current life. The path taken seems questionable, yes there have been some great moments of God's intervention in my life. But I feel somehow that I've missed something, or the enemy is trying to make it seem like I passed the blessing that was supposed to be shared in my life to reach others. As a writer, the most important impact I would like to have on my readers is to never stop being the best version of who you are. If you stumble, get up, look in the mirror and say I am loved, I am deserving of all God has for me, and I will express that in my total being today before I set foot out that door.

I had to take responsibility of why I wasn't receiving the type of help I thought I needed from mentors in my field. Then had to realize that they didn't have it to give or some didn't want to see me make it to becoming who God called me to be. I had to shut some people out of my life that I thought were truly suppose to be apart of it. Learning how to love my family where they were at and not hold onto the hurt and pain I felt because my family didn't have that love to give back. I like what Meghan Markle said when she was young about her freckles. "They are a part of her and why would I want to hide who I am" The truth is? that as I evolved as a woman I had to be comfortable with being in my skin, not  because of my race, but because of the abuse I sustained as a child. In one way or another, a woman has been abused by someone she thought she could trust. As I sit here during finals trying to complete some studying. I was prompted in my spirit to reach out to a young woman that has been on my spirit for a while. That being said, it is important that we as individuals reach out to those in our sphere to make deposits. I was about to walk away from the Law School I've always wanted to go to because of fear, and the misconception that I didn't fit in. "There's No One In The Room That Looks Like Me... (The devil is a liar).

Lisa Nichol's said it best! "I had to be my own rescue", and put my shego and pride to the side in order to invest in myself.

Remember, as Lysa Terkeurst's friend said from PB31 Ministries, Live Your Life Loved!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

They Can't See What God Sees

The enemy is trying everything in his Power to try and prevent this move. My God is bigger than you....yea..though I walk down the valley of the shadow of death...I WILL NOT fear no evil...thy rod and thy staph comforts me.....whether on the job, or an outing I'm covered.

You should've got to me before I knew How Prevail In The Spirit of "Taking Rightful Possession of What Belongs To Me".Recreating My Aons......calling things in to Order with a quiet Spirit.

I've given my need to God and he gave me land as far as I can see....you don't have to see my vision...or understand it. It wasn't meant for you.

People who purposely take advantage of those that are children of God, consequences will follow. My silence and distance is not to be mistaken as weakness....

Singles, I cannot stress this enough..don't allow ANYONE to make you feel that wherever God has called you to dwell that it was a mistake. He is doing something..allow the process to build up everything in you to Shine brighter Than The Perfect Day! I am a better person because of it. And Women, stay away from toxic females who think bullying personalities are being cool. Their just stuck in a season because fear has crippled them to grow. God knows the heart.

Remember Live Your Loved, Stay Blessed and Let Faith Be Your Shield....

Love Always,
I refuse to settle for Imposters and Vampires to suck the life out of Me!

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