"My people are destroyed....

Man fears what he has no knowledge of. Once he understands it, the fear is gone. the mystery is taken away once knowledge arrives. It's the same thing with the matters of faith when we don't understand how to apply your faith in a given situation, we become skeptical, judgmental, afraid, and unbelieving. But once we understand how it works, the confusion is removed, the mystery is taken away. Amen,

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

They Can't See What God Sees

The enemy is trying everything in his Power to try and prevent this move. My God is bigger than you....yea..though I walk down the valley of the shadow of death...I WILL NOT fear no evil...thy rod and thy staph comforts me.....whether on the job, or an outing I'm covered.

You should've got to me before I knew How Prevail In The Spirit of "Taking Rightful Possession of What Belongs To Me".Recreating My Aons......calling things in to Order with a quiet Spirit.

I've given my need to God and he gave me land as far as I can see....you don't have to see my vision...or understand it. It wasn't meant for you.

People who purposely take advantage of those that are children of God, consequences will follow. My silence and distance is not to be mistaken as weakness....

Singles, I cannot stress this enough..don't allow ANYONE to make you feel that wherever God has called you to dwell that it was a mistake. He is doing something..allow the process to build up everything in you to Shine brighter Than The Perfect Day! I am a better person because of it. And Women, stay away from toxic females who think bullying personalities are being cool. Their just stuck in a season because fear has crippled them to grow. God knows the heart.

Remember Live Your Loved, Stay Blessed and Let Faith Be Your Shield....

Love Always,
I refuse to settle for Imposters and Vampires to suck the life out of Me!

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